Monday, January 25, 2010

Some tips of avoiding divorce disaster

If a marriage could always run smooth, there would be no need for divorce courts. But unfortunately most marriages like anything else in life have their ups and downs. It takes some real love and patience to make marrige survive the rough spots and this is when one spouse feels it is easier to throw in the towel and leave. But the other spouse is not ready to let the marriage end. This is when you need some surefire tips to get your spouse back and avoid the disaster of divorce.

The first thing you can do to get your spouse back and avoid the disaster of divorce is to face up to your part in the breakup. We all have faults but to face up to them is another matter. Think back to the things you did or what your spouse complained about. What did you do about those complaints? Probably nothing and that is why you are in the situation you find yourself today. Marriage is a give and take proposition and when one takes more than they give and takes the other for granted problems are bound to arise. This is why divorce attorneys make so much money.

Another thing to consider is how much communication went on in the relationship. Was it mostly one sided with your spouse doing the talking or complaining while you just tuned them out and watched television or did something else you enjoyed without considering the needs of your spouse.
If any or all of these things contributed to the breakup that now finds you wanting to get your spouse back and avoid the disaster of divorce, you will need to make a concentrated effort to change. This will not be easy, because old habits are hard to change but to get your spouse back and avoide the disaster of divorce it is a necessity.

Once you feel that you are now the person your spouse always hoped you would be, it will be vital that you show and prove to them how you have changed for the better and become friends with them again. This might seem like a long drawn out process but the breakup was probably a long time coming too. Have patience and determination and you will in time get your spouse back and your marriage will be all the stronger for the experience.

how to avoid party disaster

Holiday office parties are events to promote team work and to socialize with office members on a congenial basis. These holiday office parties are not to be thought of as everything goes because the office staff is celebrating the holidays at a restaurant or an night spot. The smart office worker will avoid a holiday disaster by following these three steps.Dress appropriately for the holiday office party. If you been eyeing the accountant in the Comptroller department, the holiday office party is not an event to get inebriated to get the nerve to ask him to dance or to socialize. Office people do not forget people who can not handle their alcohol and you may put yourself in a disrespectful position. Remember that you have to see these people in the morning if the holiday office party is held within the week so you should remain respectful and remain cool with talk of the office unless you would like to talk about a project or hobby that you have been busy with around the house or apartment.You should dress appropriately and not overdo it when it comes to wearing dresses that are too revealing at the bodice or at the hem. Low cut dresses and mini skirts should be avoided to avoid a holiday office disaster. You do not need to dress provocatively as if you are wanting to meet someone in the office, most men would prefer not to see all of your goods. With the job market, the way it is, most people are acting and wearing the appropriate wear as not to offend anyone in the office and especially the boss.

Even though the venue may warrant a different kind of dress, do not forget that you are going to see these people in the morning. You need to wear your regular office clothes with a bit of glitter as in an to be on the safe side. Women are prone to act out the promises of what they are wearing. A risque dress may have to approaching your boss in a way that could cause an office relationship the following morning at work. Women may wear the the little black dress but it must be office appropriate and not fitted to show your every curve as if you were out on a date with your partner or mate. Do not dress as if you are out on a date or your behavior may come out as embarrassing unless you plan on quitting your job.

The first thing that office people are going to see is the way you dress. Dress as if you know that they are expecting you to rock the boat and play in safe in a suitthat can be worn for the evening as well as the office. If you are not sure how to dress, most sales women in boutique or department stores will be happy to assist you in making the appropriate selection. Make sure that you tell them that you are dressing for an holiday office party and not for an exclusive date with a guy who you are trying to get into a relationship with. The keyword here to remember is appropriate. Dress appropriately and you will not be embarrass to go the work the following morning and converse with your co workers and your always observant boss.

8 Secrets to Avoid Immigration Disaster For Your Business

Secret #1 - Put it in writing. Develop an easy to follow written immigration policy including the basics of Form I-9 preparation, the I-9 storage and retention rules and a summary of both the federal and state immigration rules. Include procedures to investigate any claims of unauthorized employment or fraudulent documents submitted during the I-9 process.

Secret #2 - Train, train, train! While a well written training manual is a great roadmap, you must take it for a test drive to know whether it will lead you to successful compliance. All employees responsible for hiring or completing the I-9 forms should be trained and re-trained at least once a year.

Secret #3 - Audit. Check and double check! Employers must periodically verify their I-9 forms are in proper order and personnel are complying with the I-9 requirements. A systemized audit is the best way to do this. An internal self audit of the I-9 forms by experienced HR managers on monthly, quarterly or bi-annual basis is recommended. Also, hire an immigration attorney to conduct an I-9 audit annually. The attorney will know how to identify, edit and correct I-9 form errors and recommend improvements for I-9 compliance and training.

Secret #4 - Enforce the rules. Your company is not protected by a compliance policy that is not followed. Require individuals with I-9 oversight to strictly compliance with your policy and hold them accountable if they do not.

Secret #5 - Investigate reports of violations. Employers must develop and implement a nondiscriminatory, consistent, and effective process to investigate credible reports from individuals who allege unauthorized employment, document fraud or identity theft. Considering that ICE audits are often triggered by "tips" from concerned citizens, a prudent employer must take seriously any tips it receives.

Secret #6 - Require I-9 compliance from subcontractors. A company is not required to monitor I-9 compliance of its independent contractors unless the company knowingly uses the contractor to hire unauthorized workers or knows the contractor hire unauthorized workers. To avoid any charge that your company knew of sub-contractor violations, take steps to use only compliant contractors. With the help of an immigration attorney, a cautious business may include contract language holding the contractor responsible for their own immigration compliance and reserving the right to cancel a contract if the contractor is found to have violated immigration rules.

Secret #7 - Use E-Verify with caution. E-Verify is an internet-based program that was established to allow Employers to verify workers' employment eligibility with the DHS and SSA. E-Verify is not a substitute for the I-9 process and does not guarantee compliance or provide your company with protection against audits or claims of discrimination. Before taking any action against an employee based upon E-Verify results, consult with an immigration attorney.

Secret #8 - Consult an immigration attorney before taking any action against an employee. An employer must balance both the verification and anti-discrimination rules of immigration law. While there is never a guarantee against a lawsuit or prosecution, Employers must consider both these rules to avoid any claims of misconduct. A knowledgeable immigration attorney can help you manage these risks, update you on any changes in the law, and advise you as to the lawfulness of termination before you take that step.

How to Avoid Vacation Disaster

Bring a cellphone for emergencies
If you're going on vacation to unplug, do not take this as a requirement to have your phone turned on and on your personal at all times. You just need a phone for emergencies, and it doesn't even have to be your phone. You can purchase a throwaway phone for about $15 and keep it in your car just for emergencies. I recommend having a phone that you can dial any number on (and not just 911; you'll see why in a second).
Have phone numbers for roadside assistance and addresses for local hospitals
If you're a member of an auto club or any organization that provides roadside assistance, have their numbers handy at all times. Also, look up the hospitals in your travel area and keep the addresses and phone numbers in your vehicle. If somebody gets food poisoning from eating at that five star restaurant that your coworker told you was sogood, you don't want to be hunting for a phone book.
Have a GPS
I believe the invention of the GPS alone has eliminated the majority of arguments that occur between trip-mates. It also has made sightseeing a lot more pleasant because you can free your mind from the nagging question, "How do we get back?" If you don't have a GPS, get one. It is one of the best investments you will ever make and will pay for itself in saved miles and less stress.

Bring cash
If your credit/debit card numbers happen to get swiped while you're on vacation and you suddenly have no way to pay for anything with plastic, cash will be your friend. Even if your identity remains intact, many local merchants will only accept cash, or will surcharge you for using a credit card. Cash is quick, easy, and anonymous. (And most vending machines still don't take credit cards.)

Protect yourself with personal self-defense items
Make sure you check the laws in your travel area, but bring the highest level of protection you're comfortable with. If you own a handgun and know how to use it, it is the best form of protection. However, a taser, mace, or even pepper spray is better than nothing. Exercise vigilance and be on alert, especially at night. Just the fact that you are alert, aware, and prepared will often keep a potential predator from bothering you.

World's ten worst disasters

1906: San Francisco Earthquake Fire

When a magnitude 7.8 quake rumbled from the San Andreas Fault to the working-class center of town, continuous explosions formed a lurid tower of smoke throughout the city. But the first of our 10 Worst Disasters of the Century teaches the lessons of reconstruction—and set the foundation for a century of earthquake research to come.

1910: The Big Burn

A rainless summer, bizarre winds and sudden lightning merged hundreds of fires into a great inferno, leaving firefighters to fend off the Big Blowup with buckets of water and their bare hands. By the time the second of our 10 Worst Disasters of the Century was put out, the wildfires had claimed 85 lives, but also sparked a debate that burns to this day.

1918: Spanish Flu Pandemic

More deadly than the World War unfolding alongside it, the virus wiped out America’s young and healthy and, by the time our troops had carried it across the pond, took out 50 million people worldwide. The good news from the third of our 10 Worst Disasters of the Century? We’ve finally decoded it, and it’s still teaching scientists how to prepare.

1925: Tri-State Tornado

The longest, deadliest twister in American history (and the fourth of our 10 Worst Disasters of the Century) whipped through four states, flattening 15,000 homes and killing nearly 700 people. But, at a time when forecasters weren’t even allowed to speak of tornadoes, the disaster’s toll was matched by its social impact: increased public awareness.

1938: The New England Hurricane

With weather radar and satellite technology still decades away, 120-mph winds and two-story-tall waves whipped vulnerable northern cities with equal fury. Despite taking nearly 700 lives and leaving 63,000 homeless, the fifth of our 10 Worst Disasters of the Century still helps dense urban centers such as New York prepare for the next surprise.

1964: The Great Alaskan Earthquake

The magnitude 9.2 quake was just the start of it. Underwater landslides gave way to several local tsunamis that destroyed coastlines from British Columbia to California. After a massive rebuilding effort, the sixth of our 10 Worst Disasters of the Century has led to round-the-clock seismic monitoring.

1974: Super Tornado Outbreak

Three weather patterns combined to form a backbreaking 148 twisters across 13 states, wreaking 15 hours of havoc upon the central and eastern U.S. and claiming 330 lives. But the seventh of our 10 Worst Disasters of the Century brought about the modern tornado measurement system—and lots of cash for cyclone preparedness.

1980: Mount St. Helens Eruption

One last earthquake turned the sleeping giant loose, and soon 230 sq. mi. of lush forest was entombed in a lunar wasteland. Fifty-seven fatalities and $1 billion of damage later, the eighth—and perhaps most famous—of our 10 Worst Disasters of the Century is now considered the dawn of American earthquake science—and a jumping off point for GPS.

1993: Storm of the Century

With unimaginable amounts of powder dumping down across the eastern U.S., the Storm of the Century just kept on coming—snowfall records, tornadoes, 2.5 million people without power. Post-blizzard finger pointing led to better communication, but the ninth of our 10 Worst Disasters of the Century had its ultimate impact in prediction.

2005: Hurricane Katrina

The freshest in our collective consciousness of the 10 Worst Disasters of the Century, Katrina remains as horrifying as it is instructing. In the context of 100 years of tragedy wrought by Mother Nature, the Category 5 hurricane and its aftermath can teach us just as much as we learned in its immediate aftermath.